Our full-time drop-in centre was officially inaugurated in October of 2001 in the presence of hundreds of friends and supporters from the Muslim community, local community leaders and government officials from the local, provincial and federal levels.
In addition to being the head-quarters for the Islamic Humanitarian Service and its administrative offices, the centre boasts two large halls for religious and cultural functions which can accommodate over 300 men and women. Our IT department has equipped the entire building with a high-speed wired and wireless InterNet connection with a centrally located and networked laser printer. In addition, we offer community members satellite TV from the USA and the Middle East in English, Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish with other languages coming soon!
Youth who want to come and study in an Islamic atmosphere can make use of the library and other areas of the building and tap into resources on the InterNet with one of three computers which they can use for research and other purposes. Our relaxation section provides a ping-pong table and a Sony Playstation 2® with a wide selection of games—permitting our youth to meet, interact and play with one another in a controlled and friendly environment away from the outside temptations.
Religious scholars and knowledgeable lecturers are sent to public schools, universities, prisons, and other educational institutions and religious and cultural centres to teach the general population about Islam, its’ values, morals, and way of life in order to instil awareness about the faith of Islam into their minds and hearts.
Interviews and discussions are carried out at Inter-Faith gatherings and through local radio, TV and print media in an attempt to answer the questions which people have in regards to Islam and to clear any ambiguities about the faith of Islam which may be in the minds of the people. In addition, articles are prepared and circulated among the news media highlighting Muslim concerns and informing the society of the special religious holidays of the Muslim community.
One of best ways to learn more about the Islamic faith and the various sciences of the religion is through literature. In order to permit Muslims to better understand their faith and to permit non-Muslims to learn about the true teachings of Islam, the Islamic Humanitarian Service has taken a leading role in the writing, translation, and publication of Islamic literature in a wide variety of topics for various age groups, including: The Islamic Moral System: A Commentary of Surah al-Hujurat; Me’raj: The Night Ascension; Istikhara: Seeking the Best from Allah; Discussions Concerning Al-Mahdi; A Mother’s Prayer; The Tasbih of Fatima az-Zahra; A Code of Ethics for Muslim Men and Women; Rules Relating to the Deceased: Philosophy and Ahkam; 40 Ahadith Activity Book for Children; Light of the Family of th Prophet—Coloring Book and many more!
To date, the Islamic Humanitarian Service has translated and published 15 books and has co-published over 25 books in co-operation with other non-Profit charities in the United Kingdom and with independent publishers in Canada, USA, Europe and Africa! These titles are available for sale in Canada, the USA, Europe, Africa and other countries and are also available for free reading and download in PDF® from our website
More than 1,200 books make up the Islamic Research Centre Library. Muslims and non Muslims visit the Centre on a regular basis for school papers or just to obtain a better understanding of Islam. Literature is available in English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Gujarati, German, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu and other languages. A wide range of subject matter assures something of interest for everyone.
Individuals experiencing temporary financial challenges are assisted under the social welfare division of the Islamic Humanitarian Service.
Rent, grocery, or medical subsidies are allocated to those hurt by the current economic realities. A careful and thorough screening process is in place which ensures that each case which is approved is genuine while avoiding unnecessary personal interference.
A weekend ‘religious training’ school is operated in Kitchener, providing local children and young adults with basic religious education. Volunteer teachers follow a specially designed syllabus geared towards Muslim youth living in the pluralistic society of Canada with an attempt at making the youth honest and upright Muslims and productive members of society - just as the religion of Islam teaches. As the weekend school progresses, various ‘contemporary’ forms of teaching are being implemented - including the use of Audio CDs, DVD movies, and multi-media computer software to aide in the teaching of the students.
In the late 1990s, the United Muslim Women of Canada was formed to address the needs of Muslim women in the community. The mission statement of the U.M.W.C. calls for the upliftment of women through education, literacy, eradication of poverty, and the active preparation for the advent of Imam al-Mahdi. To achieve these goals, the United Muslim Women of Canada communicates with Muslim women throughout Canada and around the world to promote closer co-operation with one another and to speak with a united voice on issues specific to women.
In order to assist in the economic and social betterment of women and other needy individuals of the society, collections of food items, blankets, medications, clothing and other necessities are carried out throughout the year with its distribution taking place in various centres in Canada and select areas around the world.
For More Information visit their website http://familyfoodbank.ca/

Al-haqq newsletter published by Islamic Humanitarian Service

Al-haqq newsletter published by Islamic Humanitarian Service

Al-haqq newsletter published by Islamic Humanitarian Service
Al-Haqq Newsletter is the information arm of the Islamic Humanitarian Service. It seeks to enhance the Islamic knowledge of its subscribers through articles written by contemporary scholars and specialists on Islam and to introduce topics of Islamic thought through commissioning the translation of books and articles currently not found in English. The newsletter also keeps its’ readers informed of special events taking place in different communities. Articles cover a wide variety of topics including: Commentary of the Noble Qur’an; Islamic Morals and Ethics; Islamic and World History; Philosophy and Sociology; Prayers and Supplications, Local and International Politics; Children’s activities and Colouring Pages and other topics.
Readership is estimated at over 10,000 in almost 30 countries throughout the globe and subscription is free of charge. All issues are maintained in PDF® on our website for those who wish to read the newsletter on-line.
The Muslim Youth Association, the newest subdivision of the Islamic Humanitarian Service has been arranging programs and gatherings including discussions and educational classes throughout Canada—projects arranged by the youth for the youth.
Various endeavors have been undertaken under the banner of the M.Y.A including their scholarship program to encourage Muslim youth to seek higher education in select fields which lack a Muslim presence and an active website - www.muslimyouth.ca - which features a free e-mail account, domestic and international news, and an active discussion board - amongst some its features.
The Islamic Humanitarian Service, an independent organization not affiliated with any organization or government, is funded primarily by personal contributions of well-wishing Muslims and others throughout Canada, the United States of America, Europe, and other parts of the world. All donations made in Canada or the United States entitle the donor to a tax deductible receipt.
The various Mara'ja Taqlid have encouraged and actively support the work of the Islamic Humanitarian Service and have permitted the utilization of the Sahme Imam B portion of Khums for propagation activities undertaken.
The scholars who have given the Islamic Humanitarian Service written permission include: Ayatullah al Uzma as-Sayyid 'Ali al-Husaini as-Seestani, Ayatullah al Uzma as-Sayyid 'Ali al-Husaini al-Khamene`i, Ayatullah al Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Nasir Makarim al-Shirazi, Ayatullah al Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Muhammad Fadhil al-Lankarani, and Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Lutfullah al-Saafi al-Gulpaygani
Proceeds from the sales of books, CDs, DVDs, Eid Cards and Souvenirs provide the Islamic Humanitarian Service with extra revenue to expand the only full-time and fully-stocked book store in Canada with many more titles and other items such as CDs, DVDs, games, prayer mats, prayer beads, etc…
Those who would like to support our activities are urged to contribute to the Islamic Humanitarian Service in any way possible - with your time or money.
All administrative costs are kept to a minimum with care taken to ensure the best price for all expenditures. Concerned supporters donate much of the stationary, office equipment and other things used on a regular basis around the centre.
Donations are accepted via cash or cheque which can be sent to any of our offices with the fund for which it is intended, OR donations can be processed on-line at www.al-haqq.com via Visa or MasterCard through CanadaHelps - an non-profit organization helping charities maximize their potential.
The Islamic Humanitarian Service collects and disburses the various Huqooq - religious obligations and general funds for a wide variety of projects and activities and is ready to assist in noble ventures in Canada and throughout the world. Choose the project which is closest to your heart and contribute to the cause of Allah.
Please Ensure that you get a receipt from Marja’s Office
In The Name of The Almighty
The Honourable Scholar Sayyid Murtaza Al-Kashmiri, may his achievements continue,
As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatoh
I ask Allah The Most High, The Omnipotent to always guide and support you.
In response to inquiries from Momineen, we emphasize once again that paying Islamic dues to whoever holds an authorization (Ijaza) is not sufficient. A demand for a receipt issued by s must be made [to the person receiving the Islamic dues]. Bearing in mind that discrepancies in adhering to the Ijaza may occur either through forgetfulness, error or similar situations. A clear conscience by the payer (of Islamic dues) cannot be attained unless a receipt is obtained as above.
I ask Allah The Blessed The most High to grant everyone that which is good and beneficial.
Wassalamu alikum warahmatullah Wabarakatoh
Seal and signature of Ali Al-Hussaini as-Seestani