Respected Community Members:
Salaamun Alaikum.
We are pleased to announce the resumption of Salaat ul Jumu'ah (Friday Prayers), at the IHS Centre, effective this coming Friday March 19, 2021, coinciding with Sha'ban 5, 1442, Insha-Allah. Adhaan will begin approximately 13:31 (1:31PM). Please note the following important guidelines:
Please bring your own Turbah/Muhr. If you do not have, one will be provided to you, which you can take home and bring the next time
Social distancing will be adhered to, and ensuring that Jama'at connection is also maintained
There will be no shaking hands, or any other close physical contact
Masks are mandatory. Please bring your own, or you may receive one for a donation of $1 from the IHS Centre
Wudhu should be done at home, wherever possible, as the washroom facilities are limited, and sanitization may take additional time
Once the Jumu'ah and Asr prayers are completed, please leave as soon as possible, without congregating inside.
In the event that the pandemic situation changes, or health officials advise accordingly, and Jumu'ah has to close again, an email will be sent out as soon as possible.
IHS looks forward to serving Mo'mineen again, Insha-Allah. May Almighty Allah accept our deeds and forgive our shortcomings.
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Archives past Events at IHS
Arbeean Walk
Please come and join us in this noble and peaceful walk
Unity walk brings together people of all ages ,backgrounds, and faiths to learn and respect each
other through a framework of experiential education, compassionate leadership and intention
Unity Walk seeks to create a world where we are united, rather than divided, by our many
Imam Hussain was a 7th century revolutionary leader who made the ultimate stand for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. He gave everything, including his life, for the dignity of his society. Millions of people around the world mark the Day of Arbaeen by mourning the tragedy that befell Hussain ibn Ali, his family and his companions. The Day of Arbaeen is mourned by millions of people around the world. It is marked as a day to pay tribute to the sacrifice of Hussain for social justice. Typically, on this day people organize large marches in cities across the world to symbolic the eternal nature of Hussain’s revolution and to show they stand for social justice, honor and peace
Summer Jobs Opportunity
Summer Camp For Kids
Interfaith Lunch
Open house for IHS New Center
on Thursday June 20, 2019 @ 7:00 PM
81 Hollinger Crescent
Kitchener ON N2K 2Y8
There will be Dua Kumayl, Ziyarat Waritha and Salat
Refreshments to follow