Update on IHS Building Project
April 2021, Holy Ramadhan 1442
Work on the new IHS Masjid and Islamic Centre has been progressing gradulally over the past year, despite the Covid 19 pandemic, and numerous obstacles faced during this challenging time. On three occasions, the provincial government has ceased all non-essential construction work in an effort to curb the spread of the virus, and the IHS project falls under this category, so we lost quite a bit of time. In addition, some donors who had pledged amounts, either lost their employment, or had their work hours cut back quite significantly, and could not fulfill their commitments. So we are quite behind in our fund raising. However, by the grace of the Almighty Creator, blessing of the Ahlul Bayt (AS), and the support of the community, over half of the project has been completed, as of April 2021, coinciding with holy Ramadhan 1442. The attached photos are the most recent ones, and show where the project currently stands. The total project cost was $7 million Canadian, which included the land, architecture, legal and construction costs inclusive. At the time of preparing this update, we have collected approximately $4.1 million. Therefore we are only $2.9 million short, and are requesting Mo’mineen to assist in this noble cost. Those who wish to dedicate a classroom, main hall or section of the Centre are invited to visit our web site, www.al-haqq.net for more details and the specific costs. IHS is authorized by all leading Mara’ja Taqlid to accept an utilize Khums Sahme Imam (AS) towards our work. Please support our project and encourage your family and friends to do the same. May Allah ta ala reward you.
The land that we will be building the new center of Islamic Humanitarian Service

Stage 1: The consturction pictures

Stage 2: The construction of the new Centre

Stage 3: The construction of the new Centre

Stage 4 of Construction of the New Centre

Stage 5 of Construction of the New Centre